Como recompensa al esfuerzo que estáis realizando al final de curso y para animaros a seguir estudiando para sacar buenas notas, aquí os deja esta canción para aprenderla y cantarla en una de las sesiones de inglés. Para todos mis alumn@s a los que sé, de buena tinta, que les gusta cantar y bailar en inglés: AGLET (Phineas and Ferb)
Through the eye of the needle.
Time to loosen your tongue.
Got a tip how to make ends meet.
A-G-L-E-T, don't forget it!
Gets us all up on our feet, yeah, yeah, yeah!
A-G-L-E-T (aglet!) don't forget it! (x 4)
A-G-L-E-T (aglet!) We're tying the world together (x 4)
One word at time!
Ladies and gentlemen, my sister: Candace Flynn!
"And in the end, the most important thing is that we never forget.
The end of a shoelace is called, the... the... ehhh..."
Too mucha information, but keep your eye on the ball.
We're gonna drive it hard to the hole, yeah!
A-G-L-E-T, don't foget it!
Brings us closer to our sole!
A-G-L-E-T (aglet!) don't forget it!
We're gonna tie the world together!
One world at time!